START HERE Not sure what to read first? This is the right place to start
Getting Started
Read this article to learn about the basics of CarrierX API.
How It Works
Learn how the calls between regular phones are routed and what CarrierX changes in this flow.
CarrierX Endpoints
Take a closer look at all the main endpoint variations available through CarrierX.
API REFERENCE All objects and methods you can use in CarrierX API
Core API
Rent phone numbers, configure recording storage, manage trunk groups.
Conference API
Use conference abilities to create reusable meeting rooms and configure meetings.
Use FlexML abilities to create simple or complex voice applications.
Mediator API
Use mediator abilities to create call forwarding logic. Create bindings and dialouts.
Quick API Reference
General CarrierX API structure, relations between different API sections, all API objects and methods in a single place.
PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Everything you need to make and receive voice calls
Configure SIP Trunk
Configure a SIP trunk to enable calls over the internet.
More Programmable Voice Docs
Application Endpoint
Bulk Editing Phone Numbers
Voicemail Endpoint
Core API Reference
Set up Access Control Using CarrierX Portal
Security Token
Bulk Editing Prefixes
Call Detail Record Application
Trunk Group
Set up Transformations Using CarrierX Portal
Using External Handlers
Whitelist IP Ranges
Partner Available Scopes
System Attributes
MESSAGING Text and multimedia messages, push notifications
Send and Receive SMS
Learn how to send and receive SMS, and use callbacks to get SMS data.
Send and Receive MMS
Learn how to send and receive MMS, and use callbacks to get MMS data.
Send Push Notifications to Devices
Find out how you can send push notifications to mobile devices using CarrierX API.
More Messaging Docs
FLEXML CarrierX markup language for interactive voice apps
Configure FlexML Endpoint
Create interactive voice applications using CarrierX markup language.
FlexML Syntax
Learn what verbs and nouns FlexML uses to build advanced voice applications.
FlexML Advanced Play Application
In-depth guide to building an advanced Play application with FlexML.
Migrating to CarrierX from Twilio and Plivo
Compare CarrierX to Twilio and Plivo
Check which features are common for CarrierX, Twilio, and Plivo.
Migrating from Twilio to CarrierX
Migrate your existing Twilio account to CarrierX and start writing applications in FlexML.
Migrate Applications from Twilio to CarrierX
Migrating from Plivo to CarrierX
Migrate your existing Plivo account to CarrierX and start writing applications in FlexML.
Migrate Applications from Plivo to CarrierX
CONFERENCE Private or public meeting rooms for up to 1000 participants
Configure Conference Endpoint
Create meetings in which two or more parties can talk to one another.
Conference Playback
Configure an endpoint that allows listening to saved recordings made during meetings.
Conference v2 API Reference
Use conference abilities to create reusable meeting rooms and configure meetings.
MEDIATOR Call forwarding between phone numbers
Configure Mediator Endpoint
Create forwarding logic between phone numbers.
Mediator API Reference
Use mediator abilities to create call forwarding logic.
Set up Mediator Callbacks
Create and configure callbacks for the Mediator endpoint with the help of CarrierX portal.