System Attributes

System attributes can be set at the system level and affect all the partners at once. These values are used by default for all the partners.

At the same time, it is possible to set these attributes at the partner level, so that they will affect a particular partner only.

Global Settings

Attribute Data Type Description Default Value
billing.defaults.calldr.lrn_enabled boolean Whether or not the billing is based on the location routing number (LRN) of the dialed number. false
partner.defaults.messaging.auto_enable boolean Global default system attribute for all the new partners. Specifies whether SMS/MMS are enabled or disabled by default for a new partner when this partner orders new phone numbers. This system attribute is read only, fully controlled by the system, and cannot be changed on the partner level. To change the value of this system attribute for a specific partner, use the messaging.auto_enable system attribute. false
sms.defaults.sms_in_bad_phonenumber_partner_id string The ID of the partner to whom the message with the incorrect phone number will be assigned. QA: 2565943, Prod: 6618
sms.defaults.sms_in_partner_not_found_partner_id string The ID of the partner to whom the message with the incorrect partner will be assigned. QA: 2565942, Prod: 6617
sms.vendor.queue_names string The names of the providers that an SMS passes in queue. beepsend; clx_sc; clx; inteliquent; mitto; tsg; tyntec; legos


Attribute Data Type Description Default Value
account_sid string The account secure ID associated with the created endpoint.  
api_url string The URL to the endpoint API.  
container_sid string The container secure ID associated with the created endpoint.  
default_capacity integer The capacity assigned to the created endpoint. 0
did_group_id string The secure ID of the DID group associated with the created endpoint.  
login string The login for the endpoint access assigned to the user.  
password string The password for the endpoint access assigned to the user.  
system_endpoint_name string The name for the system endpoint (system_gateway). System Gateway
Conference/Conference Playback      
conference_endpoint_sid string The secure ID of the Conference endpoint associated with the Conference Playback endpoint.  
conference.subscriber.event_callback_url string The eventCallbackUrl attribute of the Conference endpoint Subscriber object. QA:, Prod:
flexml_account_sid string The secure ID of the account associated with the FlexML endpoint.  
flexml_api_url string The URL the FlexML endpoint API.  
flexml_login string The login associated with the FlexML endpoint.  
flexml_password string The password associated with the FlexML endpoint.  
callback_method string The callback method used with the Voicemail endpoint. POST
callback_url string The callback URL used with the Voicemail endpoint.  
greeting string The name of the file used as a greeting for the Voicemail endpoint.  
max_duration integer The maximum length of the recording in seconds used with the Voicemail endpoint.  
SIP Headers      
conference.relay_sip_headers string The relay_sip_headers value used with the trunks associated with the Conference endpoints. Diversion; Diversion,2:Diversion; P-Charging-Vector; WYDE-.*; X-.*;
flexml.relay_sip_headers string The relay_sip_headers value used with the trunks associated with the FlexML endpoints. Diversion; Diversion,2:Diversion; P-Charging-Vector; WYDE-.*; X-.*;
mediator.relay_sip_headers string The relay_sip_headers value used with the trunks associated with the Mediator endpoints. Diversion; Diversion,2:Diversion; P-Charging-Vector;
peering_receiver.relay_sip_headers string The relay_sip_headers value used with the trunks associated with the Peering Receiver endpoints. Diversion;
peering_sender.relay_sip_headers string The relay_sip_headers value used with the trunks associated with the Peering Sender endpoints. Diversion;
third_party.relay_sip_headers string The relay_sip_headers value used with the trunks associated with the Third Party endpoints. Diversion;
External Storage      
aws_access_key string The access key used to access AWS S3. This value is set when Amazon Amazon Simple Storage Service is used as an external storage.  
aws_bucket_name string The bucket name where the container is stored. This value is set when Amazon Amazon Simple Storage Service is used as an external storage.  
aws_secret_key string The secret key used to access AWS S3. This value is set when Amazon Amazon Simple Storage Service is used as an external storage.  
azure_account_key string The account key used to access Microsoft Azure Blob storage. This value is set when Microsoft Azure Blob storage is used as an external storage.  
azure_account_name string The account name used to access Microsoft Azure Blob storage. This value is set when Microsoft Azure Blob storage is used as an external storage.  
azure_container_name string The container name where the container is stored. This value is set when Microsoft Azure Blob storage is used as an external storage.  
azure_sas_token string The SAS token used to access Microsoft Azure Blob storage. This value is set when Microsoft Azure Blob storage is used as an external storage.  
gcp_access_token string The access token used to access Google Cloud Platform. This value is set when Google Cloud Platform is used as an external storage.  
gcp_bucket_name string The bucket name where the container is stored. This value is set when Google Cloud Platform is used as an external storage.  
gcp_client_id string The client ID used to access Google Cloud Platform. This value is set when Google Cloud Platform is used as an external storage.  
gcp_client_secret string The client secret used to access Google Cloud Platform. This value is set when Google Cloud Platform is used as an external storage.  
gcp_project string The project that will be used to store the recording. This value is set when Google Cloud Platform is used as an external storage.  
gcp_refresh_token string The refresh token used to access Google Cloud Platform. This value is set when Google Cloud Platform is used as an external storage.  


Attribute Data Type Description Default Value
allow_basic_authentication boolean Specifies whether basic authentication (username & password) is allowed for this partner when using Core API calls. When set to false, basic authentication would be disabled requiring the use of security tokens. true
allow_custom_caller_id boolean Specifies whether a custom caller ID is allowed for the partner. By default, CarrierX only allows you to make phone calls with the calling number that you’ve rented from CarrierX. However, by setting this system attribute to true you can put any value as a phone number for voice calls. false
callback.url_names string The possible callback URL types used for the callbacks attribute of the Partner object. sms; app_mediator; app_conference_meeting; app_conference_call; phonenumber_order
general.defaults.scopes string Default API scopes assigned to a newly created partner in case the scope attribute is not filled. Can be redefined on the partner, which is used to create a new partner. Refer to the Partner Available Scopes table to find out the correspondence between the scopes and their IDs. 3; 4; 8; 20; 25; 26; 30; 40; 45; 60; 70; 90; 100; 110; 120; 130; 150; 161; 170; 180; 190; 200; 310; 330
general.restriction.transformation.allowed_headers string The regular expressions limiting the use of certain headers for transformations. ^X-.+; ^P-.+
partner.defaults.billing.on_first_day_of_month boolean Sets the 1st day of the month as a billing date for new partners. true
partner.defaults.ivs_token.scopes string List of scopes for a newly created ivs_token. When a partner account is created a token is also automatically created to be used by IVS in relation to that partner account with the name ivs_token.;; lookup.dids.allow_cnam; lookup.dids.allow_lrn; lookup.dids.allow_carrier; billing.skip_lrn_lookup_billing; billing.skip_cnam_lookup_billing; billing.skip_carrier_lookup_billing; billing.skip_carrier_lookup_billing
partner.defaults.lookup.phonenumber.cic_client string Default 3-rd party CIC-lookup service vendor. teliax
partner.defaults.lookup.phonenumber.cnam_client string Default 3-rd party CNAM-lookup service vendor. neustar
partner.defaults.messaging.enablement_type string Sets the default phone number enablement type for the partner. Accepted values are a2p and p2p. a2p
partner.defaults.suspended.email_notification_period integer The number of days between the email notifications which are sent to remind the partner that they have the suspended status. 14
partner.defaults.suspended.retention_policy integer The number of days the suspended partner account stays in the suspended status. After this period the partner’s status changes to canceled and the partner’s phone number is released according to the retention policy. 90
partner.defaults.system_attribute.allow_custom_cid boolean Global “allow custom caller ID” preference when a partner is created. This system attribute is not visible to the partner after creation. Instead, the partner uses the allow_custom_caller_id system attribute to configure this preference. false
partner.defaults.system_attribute.allow_peer_gw boolean Whether or not to allow outbound traffic from the phone number to go directly to other CarrierX partners without going to the PSTN. When set to false, the partner’s outbound traffic will be routed to the PSTN, when set to true, such traffic will be routed to other partners directly. false
partner.defaults.system_attribute.allow_pstn_gw boolean Whether or not to allow the outbound traffic from the phone number to go to PSTN. When set to false, the partner will not be able to dial out to the PSTN. If both allow_pstn_gw and allow_peer_gw attributes are set to false, the partner will only be allowed to receive calls and outbound traffic routing will be limited to its own DIDs and prefixes only. false
partner.defaults.system_attribute.billing.low_balance_limits string The semicolon-separated list of values in US dollars of the low partner balance at which the notifications are sent. 0; 10; 25; 50
partner.defaults.system_attribute.billing.send_low_balance_email boolean Whether or not the billing.partner.send_low_balance_email value of the System Attributes object is set to true or false when creating a new partner. false
partner.defaults.system_attribute.billing.taxes_enabled boolean Specifies whether all taxes are globally enabled or disabled for the partner. false.
partner.defaults.system_attribute.pstn_gw_url string The gateway URL used for the outbound traffic from the phone number to go to PSTN. -
partner.restrictions.lookup.phonenumber.allowed_cic_clients string The list of CIC-lookup service vendors, which can be used by the system in case the default one specified in the partner.defaults.lookup.phonenumber.cic_client attribute fails. In such case the system will cycle through all the vendors in that list of allowed vendors until it succeeds. teliax; wv_dip
partner.restrictions.lookup.phonenumber.allowed_cnam_clients string The list of CNAM-lookup service vendors, which can be used by the system in case the default one specified in the partner.defaults.lookup.phonenumber.cnam_client attribute fails. In such case the system will cycle through all the vendors in that list of allowed vendors until it succeeds. neustar; wv_dip
partner.restrictions.messaging.allowed_enablement_types string Phone number enablement type(s) allowed for the partner. Accepted values are: a2p, p2p or both, a2p;p2p. a2p
partner.restrictions.trunk_group.handlers.enabled boolean Whether or not the external handlers feature is enabled for the partner when a new partner is created. false
partner.restrictions.trunk_group.handlers.max_cumulative_timeout integer The maximum overall execution timeout in milliseconds for all the external handlers in a single trunk group per direction. If exceeded, skip the external handler(s) execution logic, and proceed with the call. 500
partner.restrictions.trunk_group.handlers.max_qty integer The maximum number of external handlers in a single trunk group per direction. 1
partner.serialization.defaults.Message.from_did string Allows to dynamically change the from_did field name to from. -
partner.serialization.defaults.Message.to_did string Allows to dynamically change the to_did field name to to. -
phonenumber.defaults.10dlc_campaign_sid string The secure ID of the partner’s 10DLC campaign. This system attribute is used as a default value in an a2p SMS enablement request for the partner. Multiple campaign SID values are allowed in this attribute. They must be separated by ;. -
suspension.disabled boolean Defines whether a partner can be suspended. When set to true, this partner cannot be suspended. false
suspension.type string Defines the partner’s suspension type: suspended or soft_suspended. If the partner’s suspension type is suspended, then, in the case of low balance, any paid API activity is restricted. In this case, only GET methods are available as well as POST methods to the /partners/{partner_sid}/billing_method endpoint. If the partner’s suspension type is soft_suspended, then, in the case of low balance, outbound SMS and dial-outs to the PSTN and to other CarrierX partners are restricted. However, the partner is allowed to receive calls as well as to make outbound calls and send messages to its own DIDs and prefixes.  
billing.defaults.daily.spending_limit integer Limit in US dollars restricting the amount of charges the partner can accrue per day. If this limit is exceeded the account will be suspended. This limit can be set for security reasons to prevent a runaway spend. 5000
billing.invoice.review_required boolean Whether or not the invoice review is required. false
billing.limits.daily.max_charge_amount integer The maximum amount which the partner can be charged daily. If this amount is exceeded, automatic charges will no longer apply to that partner until the next day. 500
billing.max_balance string Read-only attribute used to check if the partner balance has changed, if it has reached one of the low balance limits, and if the system should send a low balance email. -
billing.taxes.include string Specifies the taxes which the system will take into account when billing the partner. Values accepted in this field are:
  • all for the system to apply the taxes at all levels (federal, state, county, and local) to the partner.
  • no_usf for the system not to apply the federal universal service fund tax to the partner.
  • none for the system to apply no taxes to the parther.
  • usf_only for the system to apply only the federal universal service fund tax to the partner.
Can be overriden by setting the value of the billing.taxes.include field of the System Attributes object.
endpoint.conference.ip_addresses string Conference V2 IP addresses list available to the partner.;
endpoint.conference_legacy.ip_addresses string Conference V1 IP address available to the partner. This IP address is used for legacy Conference endpoints.
endpoint.flexml.ip_addresses string The IP address used for the partner’s FlexML endpoints.
endpoint.mediator.ip_addresses string The IP address used for the partner’s Mediator endpoints.
endpoint.peering_receiver.ip_addresses string List of IP address used for the partner’s Peering Receiver endpoints.;;
endpoint.peering_sender.ip_addresses string The IP address used for the partner’s Peering Sender endpoints.
endpoint.systemgw.ip_addresses string The list of IP addresses used for the partner’s System Gateway endpoint.;;
endpoint.use_template_addresses boolean Specifies whether a newly created endpoint should use the addresses from the endpoint template. false
endpoints.restriction.minimum_subnet_mask_value integer Minimum subnet mask value for endpoint addresses. 32
endpoints.restriction.protected_address_keywords string Allowed keywords to be used in an endpoint IP address field. PRIVATEPROXY; PUBLICPROXY
endpoints.restriction.protected_ranges string System reserved IP ranges, which cannot be used by the partners for their endpoint IP addresses.;;;;
endpoints.system_attributes string Allows to set default system keys-value pairs for any endpoint when it is created by this partner. Keys-value pairs are defined separated by semicolon as follows: “key1=value1; key2=value2”. For example, {"system_attributes":{"endpoints.system_attributes":"xcdr_tags1=CX; xcdr_tags2=WV"}}. Values specified for this system attribute are used for statistics collection purposes and they will be returned in the system_attributes field of a corresponding endpoint. You can add as many keys as necessary, their number is not limited. -
lookup.defaults.cic.ttl string CIC lookup cache TTL in seconds. Defines how long the CIC lookup values are stored in cache. 86400
lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl integer CNAM lookup cache global TTL in seconds. 2592000
lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl.l1 integer CNAM lookup cache Level 1 TTL in seconds. It is used in addition to the lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl. If a cache entry is found and it is less than 3600 seconds old, it is considered as a Level 1 cache hit and in this case the system uses Level 1 percent (see below) to look up the CNAM. 3600
lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl.l1_percent integer CNAM lookup cache time Level 1 threshold, specified as a percentage of the lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl value. This is the timeframe during which the system will reperform the CNAM lookup. This timeframe is based on how old a cache entry is. 5
lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl.l2 integer CNAM lookup cache Level 2 TTL in seconds. It is used in addition to the lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl. If a cache entry is found and it is less than 86400 seconds old, it is considered as a Level 2 cache hit and in this case the system uses Level 2 percent (see below) to look up the CNAM. 86400
lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl.l2_percent integer CNAM lookup cache time Level 2 threshold, specified as a percentage of the lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl value. This is the timeframe during which the system will reperform the CNAM lookup. This timeframe is based on how old a cache entry is. 10
lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl.l3 integer CNAM lookup cache Level 3 TTL in seconds. It is used in addition to the lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl. If a cache entry is found and it is less than 604800 seconds old, it is considered as a Level 3 cache hit and in this case the system uses Level 3 percent (see below) to look up the CNAM. 604800
lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl.l3_percent integer CNAM lookup cache time Level 3 threshold, specified as a percentage of the lookup.defaults.dids.cnam.ttl value. This is the timeframe during which the system will reperform the CNAM lookup. This timeframe is based on how old a cache entry is. 30
lookup.defaults.dids.hlr.ttl integer The Home Location Register (HLR) database lookup cache TTL, specified in seconds. 2592000
lookup.defaults.postal_code.cache.ttl integer Postal code lookup cache TTL in seconds. 2592000
lookup.defaults.resporg.ttl integer RespOrg lookup cache TTL in seconds. 86400
oauth.client.defaults.accesstoken.default.ttl integer The default TTL for the access token specified in seconds, i.e. the default value for the access_token_default_ttl field when creating a new OAuth Client object. This field on the client object controls the default value when creating access tokens against this client. 86400 (1 day)
oauth.client.defaults.accesstoken.max.ttl integer The maximum TTL for the access token specified in seconds, the default value for the access_token_maximum_ttl field when creating a new OAuth Client object. This field on the client object controls the max value that can be specified when creating access tokens against this client. 3155695200 (100 years)
oauth.client.defaults.refreshtoken.default.ttl integer The default TTL for the refresh token specified in seconds, i.e. the default value for the refresh_token_default_ttl field when creating a new OAuth Client object. This field on the client object controls the default value when creating refresh tokens against this client. 2592000 (30 days)
oauth.client.defaults.refreshtoken.max.ttl integer The maximum TTL for the refresh token specified in seconds, i.e. the default value for the refresh_token_maximum_ttl field when creating a new OAuth Client object. This field on the client object controls the max value that can be specified when creating refresh tokens against this client. 3155695200 (100 years)
oauth.client.limits.accesstoken.default.ttl integer The maximum value which can be set for the access token default TTL specified in seconds, i.e. the maximum value for the access_token_default_ttl field that can be specified when creating a new OAuth Client object. This field on the client object controls the default value when creating access tokens against this client. 3155695200 (100 years)
oauth.client.limits.accesstoken.max.ttl integer The maximum value which can be set for the access token maximum TTL specified in seconds, i.e. the maximum value for the access_token_maximum_ttl field that can be specified when creating a new OAuth Client object. This field on the client object controls the maximum value when creating access tokens against this client. 3155695200 (100 years)
oauth.client.limits.refreshtoken.default.ttl integer The maximum value which can be set for the refresh token default TTL specified in seconds, i.e. the maximum value for the refresh_token_default_ttl field that can be specified when creating a new OAuth Client object. This field on the client object controls the default value when creating refresh tokens against this client. 3155695200 (100 years)
oauth.client.limits.refreshtoken.max.ttl integer The maximum value which can be set for the refresh token maximum TTL specified in seconds, i.e. the maximum value for the refresh_token_maximum_ttl field that can be specified when creating a new OAuth Client object. This field on the client object controls the maximum value when creating refresh tokens against this client. 3155695200 (100 years)
Push integer The maximum number of recipients of push notification messages sent to mobile devices. 100
messaging.auto_enable boolean Specifies whether SMS/MMS capabilities will be automatically enabled for every new DID ordered by this partner. If set to true the system will be making an automatic POST request to enable messaging for every ordered DID. false
mms.defaults.message.dlr.timeout_status_wait integer The period of time after which the MMS status will be changed from sent to timed_out (unless already changed to delivered or undelivered), specified in seconds. 86400
mms.defaults.message.sending.timeout_status_wait integer The period of time after which the MMS status will be changed from queued to sending_timed_out (unless already changed to sent), specified in seconds. 86400
sms.defaults.message.dlr.timeout_status_wait integer The period of time after which the SMS status will be changed from sent to timed_out (unless already changed to delivered or undelivered), specified in seconds. 86400
sms.defaults.message.retention_policy integer The period when the messages are kept within the system according to the retention policy, specified in seconds. 7776000
sms.defaults.message.sending.timeout_status_wait integer The period of time after which the SMS status will be changed from queued to sending_timed_out if not changed to sent, specified in seconds. 86400
sms.enablement.rate decimal Specifies the partner’s rate in US dollars for enabling SMS/MMS messaging on this DID. 0.03
sms.limits.message.max_segments integer The maximum SMS length in segments. A segment length depends on encoding. 10
sms.restrictions.allow_unregistered_sending boolean If set to true, allows sending messages from unregistered phone numbers, i.e. from phone numbers without a campaign_sid. false
storage.defaults.container.quota_bytes integer The total size of storage available in a single container, specified in bytes. 1073741824
storage.defaults.container.quota_files integer The total number of files, which can be stored in a single container. 100
storage.defaults.mogfs.domain string Backend domain for storage. carrierx_default
storage.limits.mogfs.allowed_domains string The list of allowed domains for a container. carrierx_fcc2; carrierx_startmeeting; carrierx_fcchd; carrierx_tfcc; carrierx_stf; carrierx_huddle; carrierx_bullhorn; carrierx_santa; carrierx_simpleblast; carrierx_nc_storage; carrierx_teltech; carrierx_default integer Total maximum bytes limit (storage size) for all containers 1073741824 integer The total number of available containers per partner, i.e. the maximum number of containers that the partner can create. 2 integer The maximum total number of real file bytes that a partner can upload to the CarrierX storage across all the containers. If exceeded, subsequent uploads will be rejected. 1099511627776
trunk.defaults.out_sip_ringing_max_ttl.default_value integer The default value in seconds of the out_sip_ringing_max_ttl Trunk Object attribute if no value is specified on partner creation. 180
trunk.restrictions.out_sip_ringing_max_ttl.max_value integer The maximum limit in seconds of the out_sip_ringing_max_ttl Trunk Object attribute value if it is specified on partner creation. 180
tts.text.defaults.bitrate integer The default bitrate used for text-to-speech conversion, specified in bits per second (bit/s). 16000
tts.text.defaults.format string The default output audio format used for text-to-speech conversion. mp3
tts.text.defaults.language string The default language used for text-to-speech conversion. en-US
tts.text.defaults.voice_sid string The default voice used for text-to-speech conversion when no voice secure ID is specified. man
tts.text.limits.text_size integer The default number of characters allowed for the text used in text-to-speech conversion. 3000
tts.text.supported_bitrates string The available values for the bitrate which can be used to convert text to speech, specified in bits per second (bit/s). 8000; 16000; 24000; 32000; 40000; 48000; 64000; 80000; 96000; 112000; 128000; 160000; 192000; 224000; 256000; 320000
tts.text.supported_formats string The available output audio file formats which can be used to convert text to speech. aac; al; alaw; flac; g722; mp3; mp4; m4a; ogg; ul; ulaw; wav
tts.voice.restrictions.allowed_voices string The list of the prefixes for the voices allowed for the current partner. man; woman; Polly
tts.voice.supported_languages string The available languages which can be used to convert text to speech. arb; cmn-CN; cy-GB; da-DK; de-DE; en-AU; en-GB; en-GB-WLS; en-IN; en-US; es-ES; es-MX; es-US; fr-CA; fr-FR; is-IS; it-IT; ja-JP; hi-IN; ko-KR; nb-NO; nl-NL; pl-PL; pt-BR; pt-PT; ro-RO; ru-RU; sv-SE; tr-TR
tts.voice.supported_voices string The available voices which can be used to convert text to speech. man; woman; Polly.Aditi; Polly.Amy; Polly.Astrid; Polly.Bianca; Polly.Brian; Polly.Camila; Polly.Carla; Polly.Carmen; Polly.Celine; Polly.Chantal; Polly.Conchita; Polly.Cristiano; Polly.Dora; Polly.Emma; Polly.Enrique; Polly.Ewa; Polly.Filiz; Polly.Geraint; Polly.Giorgio; Polly.Gwyneth; Polly.Hans; Polly.Ines; Polly.Ivy; Polly.Jacek; Polly.Jan; Polly.Joanna; Polly.Joey; Polly.Justin; Polly.Karl; Polly.Kendra; Polly.Kevin; Polly.Kimberly; Polly.Lea; Polly.Liv; Polly.Lotte; Polly.Lucia; Polly.Lupe; Polly.Mads; Polly.Maja; Polly.Marlene; Polly.Mathieu; Polly.Matthew; Polly.Maxim; Polly.Mia; Polly.Miguel; Polly.Mizuki; Polly.Naja; Polly.Nicole; Polly.Olivia; Polly.Penelope; Polly.Raveena; Polly.Ricardo; Polly.Ruben; Polly.Russell; Polly.Salli; Polly.Seoyeon; Polly.Takumi; Polly.Tatyana; Polly.Vicki; Polly.Vitoria; Polly.Zeina; Polly.Zhiyu