The Troubleshooting section contains main issues that a CarrierX API user can face, and the ways to solve these problems.
I have set up a Third Party endpoint and try to place and receive calls, but have troubles doing that.
Please make sure that you have correctly set up the Third Party endpoint using either the CarrierX portal or programmatically using the API requests. You can find more information on how this can be done in our SIP Trunk quick start guide.
Please pay additional attention that you must open your firewall for the incoming connections from the IP addresses which CarrierX uses for signaling purposes. Refer to the IP Ranges section for more information.
I registered with CarrierX but cannot use some of the API methods (e.g., get details for phone number, get country by IP address, etc.)
Access to some of the API methods is disabled by default. You need some additional scopes enabled to get access to these methods. Please contact our technical support at to enable these scopes for your account.