Set up Conference Callbacks Using CarrierX Portal

Most of the events associated with your partner account and your rented phone numbers (DIDs) can send callbacks. You can specify URL addresses where you have some service installed which can process these callbacks.

The callbacks contain the detailed data about the event. The data depends on the event that triggers the callback.

You can set callback URLs for four main events:

In this quick start guide we will see how to set up the system behavior to send callbacks when the rented phone number associated with the Conference endpoint receives calls.

I. Navigate to Callbacks Tab

You can set the Conference callbacks in the Callbacks tab of the Global Settings section of CarrierX portal.

To get there, log in to the portal. On the left-side menu, locate and click the Configure menu. Click Global Settings.

Select Global Settings

Then select the Callbacks tab.

Select Callbacks

Click Edit.

Click Edit

Click Add Callback.

Click Add Callback

Now you can select the event type that will trigger the callback and enter the URLs for your selected callbacks.

Add Callback

II. Create Callbacks for Conference

Conference endpoints trigger two stages of callbacks:

  1. The Conference endpoint call callback will be sent when a user calls into a conference associated with the partner account. The system sends this callback to the URL specified even before the user enters the conference meeting room once a real-time Call object is created.

  2. The Conference endpoint meeting callback will be sent when a user enters a meeting room and the meeting starts. The system sends this callback to the URL specified when a real-time Meeting object is created.

Conference Call Callback

At the Callbacks tab, select the app_conference_call callback event type from the list.

Select Conference Call

Then enter the URL to your web service that is going to process the callback, e.g.,

Enter URL

Click Update to save the results.

Click Update

The created callback will be available in the list of the created callbacks.

View Callback

Receive and Parse App Conference Call Object

Now if you use the Conference endpoint and call the phone number associated with it, your service located at the URL you entered will receive the callback like this:

    "address_dst": "\\"15162065515\\" \\u003csip:15162065515@\\u003e",
    "address_src": "\\"1234\\" \\u003csip:+17605692222@",
    "bridge": "conference-bridge",
    "call_sid": "69057c3e-bb90-4ed3-9c53-000000001090",
    "custom_call_type": "foreign",
    "custom_name": "\\u00271234\\u0027",
    "date_disconnected": "2021-12-14T07:08:01.000Z",
    "date_insert": "2021-12-14T07:40:27.706Z",
    "date_join": "2021-12-14T07:07:31.000Z",
    "date_start": "2021-12-14T07:07:09.000Z",
    "date_stop": "2021-12-14T07:08:01.000Z",
    "direction": "inbound",
    "disconnect_cause": 16,
    "disconnect_originator": "src",
    "disconnect_reason": "Normal",
    "duration": 50,
    "duration_meeting": 30,
    "endpoint_sid": "e3ddc435-7b07-4f3a-98d5-4fe9be107652",
    "meeting_room_sid": "f752b4a5-b821-4322-a26f-db5cfbf014ab",
    "meeting_sid": "69057c3e-bb90-4ed3-9c53-000000000373",
    "node": "",
    "number_dst": "15162065515",
    "number_src": "+17605692222",
    "partner_sid": "cee93bf3-5746-43fe-a1a2-822c05fef687",
    "role": "participant",
    "user_agent": "CX-IVS-SBC"

You can now parse it and use for your own purposes.

App Conference Call Fields

The object in the callback has the following fields.

Attribute Data Type Description
address_dst string The fully qualified address of the called party which includes the SIP information with special characters formatted.
address_src string The fully qualified address of the calling party which includes the SIP information with special characters formatted.
bridge string The name of the bridge which handled the call.
call_sid string The secure ID of the call which the system uses to identify it among other calls.
custom_call_type string The special field used to identify the origin of the call. Values accepted in this field are:
  • dc for the service DC link initiated and assigned by the bridge.
  • foreign for the third-party VoIP or PSTN clients.
  • private_asd for the native controlling client initiated and assigned by the bridge.
  • private_call for the native clients, i.e. the clients that are using a specific VoIP library.
  • recording for the meeting recording service call initiated and assigned by the bridge.
custom_name string The custom name for the calling party set by the software used, web, or IVR with special characters formatted.
date_disconnected string The date and time when the call was disconnected from the meeting.
date_insert string The date and time when the detail record about the call was inserted into the database.
date_join string The date and time when the calling party joined the meeting.
date_start string The date and time when the call started.
date_stop string The date and time when the call ended.
direction string The call direction, either inbound or outbound.
disconnect_cause integer The numeric SIP code used to describe the reason to drop the call.
disconnect_originator string The initiator of the disconnection. Values accepted in this field are:
  • bridge for the conference bridge to be the disconnection originator (this can happen, when the host leaves the meeting and the meeting is over for all other participants).
  • src for the calling party to be the disconnection originator (i.e., when the participant decides to leave the meeting).
disconnect_reason string The detailed descriptive information about the reason to drop the call.
duration number The total call duration, specified in seconds.
duration_meeting number The duration of the caller’s participation in the meeting, specified in seconds.
endpoint_sid string The secure ID of the Conference endpoint associated with the call.
meeting_room_sid string The secure ID of the meeting room with which the meeting is associated. This field is only available for the secured call flow type.
meeting_sid string The secure ID of the meeting in which the calling party participated.
node string The IP address of the bridge node.
number_dst string The called party phone number.
number_src string The calling party phone number.
partner_sid string The secure ID of the partner with which the Conference endpoint is associated.
role string The role of the calling party in the meeting. Values accepted in this field are:
  • host for the calling party which joined the meeting as the meeting moderator, or host.
  • listener for the calling party which joined the meeting as the user that can only listen to the meeting.
  • participant for the calling party which joined the meeting as the user which can speak, but does not have moderator (host) rights.
user_agent string The details about the user agent used by the calling party, if available.

Conference Meeting Callback

At the Callbacks tab, select the app_conference_meeting callback event type from the list.

Select Conference Meeting

Then enter the URL to your web service that is going to process the callback, e.g.,

Enter URL

Click Update to save the results.

Click Update

The created callback will be available in the list of the created callbacks.

View Callback

Receive and Parse App Conference Meeting Object

Now if you use the Conference endpoint, call the phone number associated with it, enter the access code, and enter the meeting room, your service located at the URL you entered will receive the callback like this:

    "attendee_count": 2,
    "audio_attendee_count": 2,
    "control_attendee_count": 0,
    "data_attendee_count": 0,
    "date_insert": "2021-12-14T07:40:33.843Z",
    "date_start": "2021-12-14T07:04:41.000Z",
    "date_stop": "2021-12-14T07:08:06.000Z",
    "duration": 205,
    "duration_audio": 205,
    "duration_control": 0,
    "duration_data": 0,
    "duration_meeting": 205,
    "duration_recording": 0,
    "duration_video": 0,
    "endpoint_sid": "e3ddc435-7b07-4f3a-98d5-4fe9be107652",
    "has_recording": false,
    "meeting_room_sid": "f752b4a5-b821-4322-a26f-db5cfbf014ab",
    "meeting_sid": "69057c3e-bb90-4ed3-9c53-000000000373",
    "partner_sid": "cee93bf3-5746-43fe-a1a2-822c05fef687",
    "unique_attendee_count": 2,
    "video_attendee_count": 0

You can now parse it and use for your own purposes.

App Conference Meeting Fields

The object in the callback has the following fields.

Attribute Data Type Description
attendee_count integer The total number of the meeting attendees.
audio_attendee_count integer The number of the attendees which used audio conferencing during the meeting.
control_attendee_count integer The number of the attendees which used conference controls during the meeting.
data_attendee_count integer The number of the attendees which sent some data during the meeting.
date_insert string The date and time when the detail record about the meeting was inserted into the database.
date_start string The date and time when the meeting started.
date_stop string The date and time when the meeting ended.
duration number The total conference duration, measured in seconds.
duration_audio number The duration of the meeting audio conferencing, measured in seconds.
duration_control number The duration of the conference control usage during the meeting, measured in seconds.
duration_data number The duration of the meeting during which some data was sent or received (e.g., the participants used the screensharing feature), measured in seconds.
duration_meeting number The duration of the meeting, measured in seconds.
duration_recording number The duration of the meeting during which the recording was made, measured in seconds.
duration_video number The duration of the meeting during which the video conferencing was used, measured in seconds.
endpoint_sid string The secure ID of the Conference endpoint associated with the meeting.
has_recording boolean Whether or not the meeting was recorded.
meeting_room_sid string The secure ID of the meeting room associated with the meeting.
meeting_sid string The secure ID of the meeting which the system uses to identify it among other meetings.
partner_sid string The secure ID of the partner with which the Conference endpoint is associated.
unique_attendee_count integer The number of the unique attendees which took part in the meeting.
video_attendee_count integer The number of the attendees which used video conferencing during the meeting.

III. Next Steps

You successfully created callbacks for Conference endpoint events associated with your partner account.

Now you can try and use your Conference endpoint, and your web services will receive the callbacks triggered by the endpoint events.